Amiga Flame - Demo of the Month - Darkchild and Sixth Sense Investigations


If you know of any good demo`s or you are developing a good game and have a demo you may want to show off, then

E-mail Amiga Flame at philip(@)


This month Amiga Flame brings you two more exciting new demos, the first is Darkchild by MWI of which is currently only for readers with GFX boards and is looking for a Publisher. The second demo is called Sixth Sense Investigations, a speech adventure by CinTech and will be Published by Islona shortly.

(Blade)A Special Exclusive demo to this web site is Blade which is being Published shortly by Alive MediaSoft.

Last Month's Demo of the Month - On Escape and Strangers




Sixth Sense Investigations


E-mail - philip (@)

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